I participated in the first Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference of Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network was held on November 14-16, 2016 in Paris, France.
For the first time on a global level, senior representatives from governments, businesses, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations specifically addressed the future of jurisdiction on the cross-border Internet. The conference was institutionally supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the OECD, the European Commission, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and ICANN.
The first Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference firmly placed the topic of jurisdiction on the Internet governance agenda, as recommended in the 2014 NETmundial Roadmap for the Future Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem. It fostered trust across stakeholder groups and bridged the policy sectors of legal cooperation, digital economy, human rights, and cybersecurity. Over the course of three days, participants collaboratively framed issues of common concern exchanged on existing efforts to address them and discussed related operational challenges. As an outcome, stakeholders identified concrete areas for cooperation to help the development of shared policy standards and frameworks for legal interoperability and due process across borders.