The Association of Tunisians of the Grandes Ecoles, ATUGE, is a human adventure of more than 25 years in which generations of Tunisians shared a common dream, that of serving, thanks to their knowledge and skills, their country.
ATUGE France, the branch of ATUGE in France, organized the annual event “The Great Rendez-vous of ATUGE”. The annual event has evolved but the objectives remain the same: to be a place of meeting, sharing, exchange and inspiration at the confluence of the two shores.
This first edition, that gathered 300 people, was under the sign of: “The Tunisian inspiration”. Or how to inspire and be inspired, inspire change, be part of it, and take inspiration from those who think outside the box.
I had the opportunity to speak at the ATUGE Annual Event to speak in the round table on “the power of inspiration of Tunisia: assets & perspectives”.